Sustainable Skerries


While we conduct biodiversity walks on a regular basis through the summer months, yesterday’s was perhaps the nicest yet. For one thing we had a beautiful warm, sunny day; so warm in fact that quite a few of those people booked went to the beach instead. This meant that we had a relatively small group of some dozen or 15 people. That’s actually okay in a way; smaller groups are both more… Read More

Would you like your garden to be more nature-friendly? Are you wondering what plants to get, and how to manage them? For many years now, Charlie and Marion Heasman have been central to making Skerries a more pollinator-friendly town. They are the driving forces behind the Biodiversity (Pollinator) Action Plan, giving the rare Large Carder Bee the best possible chance to thrive by creating wildflower meadows and pollinator corridors. If you have seen… Read More