Sustainable Skerries


We are delighted to announce that the Jim Quigley Volunteers of the Year 2024 here in Skerries are Charlie and Marion Heasman! Below a short explanation about the award, one picture of the awards ceremony, and the nomination received by the judges. Jim Quigley was a champion of community development; a larger than life personality who was a dreamer and a doer; an idealist and an activist.  1970, Jim married Brigid Carolan and… Read More

While we conduct biodiversity walks on a regular basis through the summer months, yesterday’s was perhaps the nicest yet. For one thing we had a beautiful warm, sunny day; so warm in fact that quite a few of those people booked went to the beach instead. This meant that we had a relatively small group of some dozen or 15 people. That’s actually okay in a way; smaller groups are both more… Read More

Rows of chairs with people from behind and Sharon Keilthy speaking

In our series of blog posts about the 2023 Skerries Eco Festival, Sustainable Skerries committee member Evelyn Cottell sums up the first three of our nine wonderful Sunday Afternoon Talks . She writes: The Eco Talks session took place on Sunday 3rd September, in The Little Theatre.   In the nearby Old Schoolhouse, ECO Fair stalls were in full swing, facilitating a flow of people in and out of the two events,… Read More

Hamilton Hill

Charlie writes: We are pleased to hold our first ever Bumblebee Walk on the Hamilton Hill Estate where we have a whole new area of pollinator habitat.  Incorporated in the newly completed Multi Use Games Area is a large wildflower meadow which will flower for the first time this year. Our recorders regularly spot the Large Carder Bee in the locality and it is hoped that the area will become a stronghold for this… Read More