Sustainable Skerries


Capture the Beauty of Our Community: Enter Our Local Photo Competition! Do you have an eye for beauty and a knack for capturing perfect moments? We are excited to announce the second Sustainable Skerries photo competition – and we want YOU to participate! Whether you are a seasoned photographer or an enthusiastic amateur, this competition is the perfect opportunity to showcase your talent. We are looking for stunning images that highlight the… Read More

Rows of chairs with people from behind and Sharon Keilthy speaking

In our series of blog posts about the 2023 Skerries Eco Festival, Sustainable Skerries committee member Evelyn Cottell sums up the first three of our nine wonderful Sunday Afternoon Talks . She writes: The Eco Talks session took place on Sunday 3rd September, in The Little Theatre.   In the nearby Old Schoolhouse, ECO Fair stalls were in full swing, facilitating a flow of people in and out of the two events,… Read More